No Voice

You cannot imagine me without a voice...I was soooo frustrated..It started on Thursday during the Fun Show...oh dear...not me..I am never sick...and my friends would be in town to have a great weekend. Gayle was here from LA/Beverly Hills (remember, i have already mentioned that we are two-of-a-kind). Nick her husband was joining us and so was her good, good friend Jennie..WELL...I started feeling really strange..I could not talk normal. Oh I sounded very strange...very coarse and then became hoarse...i made it to the show on Friday night. Man, it was great to see everyone seated in their outside oval boxes. We were all trying to be festive in spite of it ALL. Horse people love being together thru "thick-n-thin"...Did I mention that alot of us love fashion like we love our horses...they go hand-n-hand. It was a Cha-Cha evening.

Then my throat felt weird....tight...and tighter...NO VOICE on Sat...I knew better than to take a nap...I never got up....until Sunday afternoon. Oh...I hated missing the horse show and church on Sunday. I love to worship with my friends. I just kept thinking..."this will be over in a few days..." but what about those that it isn't over in a few days...I am thankful for my health and I knew I had witnessed a glimpse of what it is like for so many that are very ill.

It was a low-key week-end for me, but, you can bet I will be Living LARGE again soon...
I here the gym calling...oh and Joe too. I CAN answer!!!!

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