
Let's talk "friends"...with friends, and about friends...

I hope if you read my blogs that you are also on the most happening "FRIEND" network available to our very fingertips...FACEBOOK...!!!

Oh I can already see the expressions in some of your can't talk me into it....don't make me...I refuse...I can't be on Facebook...NO NO NO!!!! Well...aren't we cutting ourselves a little short ?????..You see I LOVE my friends...all 440 of them!!!!!....I want to know what they are thinking, wearing, about their diets and exercise programs....where they are going....are they struggling....their projects...and their families...

There is a huge world out there....and this a very positive friends motivate me...empower me to do my best...and I love to be the same "Friend" for them too...

We laugh, coach, inspire each other and yes....we even pray for one another too.....

I truthfully think God wants us to be present and proactive...It is called living!!!!

If you change your mind...please ask me to be your friend...!!!

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